Monday, April 28, 2014

GMO . . .

Hello my name is NOOBLY and today I'm going to talk about GMO's, you may ask what is a GMO? well my friend, a GMO or Genetically Modified Organism is when you genetically engineer plants, animals and maybe other things that I may not mention. GMO's are really just a Crossed DNA plant or animal and it is pretty bad, most countries says that it is not healthy and way more dangerous, we don't know what really is in them. You may think that they would label the GMO foods, but no sadly we need to really see if it is a GMO, this is what I think they should do with this situation at hand. They should at least stop making it since it is that bad for your health , but I can't really fight it since most of the U.S. uses it in anything like from corn to tortillas and other things that can be genetically modified to make a regular piece of food that we can eat. To be honest I don't think we can win if you guys can protest, because all the thing or most of the things that the companies make is GMO's and most of America eats GMO's even thought they might know it or the don't they will really just eat it since it is the most generated foods that we make to feed ourselves. We need to at least label it since we don't want them to get all the fresh fruit and vegetables to be all gone from our farms so that we can't get our fresh foods back. Some day we need to at least have a court case to say our own words, and maybe our future of Americas fresh food being or coming to an end if they were to become money crazy to get all the fresh foods and genetically modify it so that they will have to make profit either way. But in the mean time this is just a suggestion so that maybe you the viewers can have a understanding on what a GMO is and what can be done to actually stop it, this suggestion however is not to get rid of it, more of a way to know what is the GMO and not. Thanks for reading yet another post from me, thank you. Also GMO's are not only to affect fruits and vegetables, but humans as well.

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